Hon. Rhys S. Hodge
Chief Justice

Veronica J. Handy, Esq.
Clerk of the Court
Office of the Clerk
(St. Thomas)
Tele: (340) 774-2237
Ext. 6202, 6201, 6200
Fax: (340) 774-2258

(St. Croix)
Tele: (340) 778-0613
Ext. 5103, 5104
Fax: (340) 772-0004
TTY: (340) 693-4118   
Office of Bar Admissions
Tele: (340) 774-2237
Ext. 6221, 6222, 6220
TTY: (340) 693-4118

Office of Disciplinary Counsel
Tele: (340) 693-4127 
Fax: (340) 772-0004