Please note that the Virgin Islands adopted the NextGen and plan to administer the new exam in July 2026. 

There are three paths that an applicant may seek to apply for regular admissions to the practice of law in the Virgin Islands: 
Admission by Examination (Uniform Bar Examination)  
Admission by Uniform Bar Examination Score Transfer, Generally
Admission on Motion

Additionally, to be eligible for regular admissions an applicant must:  
Obtain a scaled score of 75 or higher on the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE); and 
Pass the Virgin Islands Law Component (VILC).    
Undergo a Character Examination and Personal Interview 

The bar admission process is initiated with the electronic filing of the applicant’s prescribed Application for Admission to the Virgin Islands Bar, the National Conference of Bar Examiners Character and Fitness Questionnaire and authorization and release forms; all executed under oath.  This authorizes the Committee of Bar Examiners, the National Conference of Bar Examiners and any persons or institutions to obtain and supply information relative thereto. 

Completing the bar application begins with creating an e-filing profile with the Virgin Islands Judiciary Electronic Filing System on this website.  It is highly recommended that all applicants review the Rules of the Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands based on the type of admission that they seek. Additionally, it is recommended that applicants familiarize themselves with the Virgin Islands Rules of Professional Responsibility.